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 Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town

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Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Empty
PostSubject: Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town   Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town EmptyFri May 07, 2021 9:42 am

The Chicago Bears have been playing at Soldier Field since 1971, but that's something that could be changing in the near future. The Bears are apparently thinking about relocating to Arlington Heights, which is a suburb that sits roughly 30 miles outside of Chicago, John Breech of CBS Sports reports.

For the Bears, the allure of Arlington Heights comes from the fact that the city is about to have 326 acres available where a new stadium could be built.

Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town 512807920 get out of chicago.
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Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town   Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town EmptyMon May 10, 2021 4:33 am

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Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town   Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town EmptySun May 16, 2021 12:40 am

my only experience with chicago is O'hare airport for a 2 hour layover. first thing i noticed was how freakin filthy the place was. i did my best not to touch anything. i held my piss the whole time until i got on the next plane to sanfransico.. Shocked
chicago's answer to winning the Rat Capital  award .....

Chicago releases 1,000 feral cats to end reputation as rat capital of America

Quote :
The “Cats at Work” program came to light after the Windy City was named by pest control company Orkin as the rattiest city for the sixth consecutive year, with the Big Apple third after Los Angeles.

next they'll release 1000 feral dogs to get rid of the cats ... Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town 1645253483

i bet the taxpayers paid millions to execute this brilliant idea .i mean stray cats costs big bucks. they probably had to buy them from china for like a 1000 bucks a cat.  the mayors offshore bank account probably will get a lot fatter.
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Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town   Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town EmptySun May 16, 2021 6:51 am

Master_Of_Puppets wrote:
my only experience with chicago is O'hare airport for a 2 hour layover. first thing i noticed was how freakin filthy the place was. i did my best not to touch anything. i held my piss the whole time until i got on the next plane to sanfransico.. Shocked
chicago's answer to winning the Rat Capital  award .....

Chicago releases 1,000 feral cats to end reputation as rat capital of America

Quote :
The “Cats at Work” program came to light after the Windy City was named by pest control company Orkin as the rattiest city for the sixth consecutive year, with the Big Apple third after Los Angeles.

next they'll release 1000 feral dogs to get rid of the cats ... Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town 1645253483

i bet the taxpayers paid millions to execute this brilliant idea .i mean stray cats costs big bucks. they probably had to buy them from china for like a 1000 bucks a cat.  the mayors offshore bank account probably will get a lot fatter.

Just look who has been running the place and it makes sense. Solve a problem by creating a bigger one. More tax money would probably help. Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town 1072540953
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Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town   Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town EmptyFri May 21, 2021 7:20 pm

Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Hqdefault

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Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town   Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town Empty

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Mayor of city in Illinois says Bears are 'seriously considering' a move out of Soldier Field and to his town
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