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 With costs for veteran WRs soaring, NFL teams could stock up in deep draft class

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With costs for veteran WRs soaring, NFL teams could stock up in deep draft class Empty
PostSubject: With costs for veteran WRs soaring, NFL teams could stock up in deep draft class   With costs for veteran WRs soaring, NFL teams could stock up in deep draft class EmptySat Apr 23, 2022 10:46 pm

Quote :
Davante Adams, $141.25 million over five years with $65.67 million guaranteed.

Tyreek Hill, four-year, $120 million contract that included $72.2 million guaranteed.

Pittsburgh Steelers made Antonio Brown the highest-paid player at his position five years ago with a four-year, $68 million deal that included a $19 million signing bonus – a paltry sum compared to today’s standards.

Damn NFL slave owners pay a lot for slaves.

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With costs for veteran WRs soaring, NFL teams could stock up in deep draft class
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