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 Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers

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Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers Empty
PostSubject: Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers   Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers EmptySun Jul 03, 2022 3:49 pm

Quote :
John Breech writes, “Back in 2018, nearly everyone in Pittsburgh wanted to see the Steelers release Boswell after a disastrous season where he hit just 65% of his field goals. The Steelers decided to keep their kicker despite the plea from fans, and the gamble definitely paid off because Boswell has been one of the best kickers in the NFL over the past three years.

It was like Boz hit a kickers mental wall Steelers gave him some time off some brain salad surgery and Boz came back better than ever.

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Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers   Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers EmptyMon Jul 04, 2022 8:29 am

effyou515 wrote:

Quote :
John Breech writes, “Back in 2018, nearly everyone in Pittsburgh wanted to see the Steelers release Boswell after a disastrous season where he hit just 65% of his field goals. The Steelers decided to keep their kicker despite the plea from fans, and the gamble definitely paid off because Boswell has been one of the best kickers in the NFL over the past three years.

It was like Boz hit a kickers mental wall Steelers gave him some time off some brain salad surgery and Boz came back better than ever.

Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers 3562723908
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Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers   Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers EmptyTue Jul 05, 2022 1:13 am

Wasn't Boz injured that season? I seem to remember him playing through an injury.

Where Steelers' Chris Boswell ranks among NFL kickers PaKS9WC
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