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 32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self

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32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self Empty
PostSubject: 32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self   32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self EmptyFri Jul 06, 2012 9:55 pm

Twenty years ago, 12-year-old Jeremiah McDonald made a video in which he had a conversation with his future self. Now 32 and a filmmaker, McDonald was able to complete the interview by seamlessly adding new footage to create a working dialogue.

Throughout their conversation, the two Jeremiahs discuss childhood pets that are no longer around and action figures they once possessed. Toward the end, young Jeremiah asks current Jeremiah if he's still drawing. It's a touching moment that has him wondering why he gave up his dream of becoming an illustrator to pursue filmmaking.

The video is a YouTube hit, accumulating more than a million views since being posted a day ago. Reaction is leaning toward the positive, with one person calling the interview "absolutely brilliant."

However, because the piece seems so well orchestrated, some viewers are questioning its authenticity. In response, McDonald tweeted, "If I was going to fake it, I would've written it differently. But I was locked into what I improvised 20 years ago."
There's no word yet if McDonald has plans for more videos.

Read more and watch...

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32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self Empty
PostSubject: Re: 32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self   32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self EmptySat Jul 07, 2012 12:00 am

That's awesome.

32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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32 year-old filmmaker interviews his 12-year old self
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