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 Ben Roethlisberger On Playing Surfaces, Refs & Life After Football

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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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Ben Roethlisberger On Playing Surfaces, Refs & Life After Football Empty
PostSubject: Ben Roethlisberger On Playing Surfaces, Refs & Life After Football   Ben Roethlisberger On Playing Surfaces, Refs & Life After Football EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 4:57 am

Ben Roethlisberger On Playing Surfaces, Refs & Life After Football
August 29, 2012 7:05 PM

Ben Roethlisberger, Bob Pompeani, NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers, Roger Clemens, Steelers, terrell owens
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — With just one more preseason game left, the Steelers’ 80th season kicks off in just a few weeks.

Ben Roethlisberger has been a big part of the team’s success since 2004 and tonight, as he prepares for the new season, he is talking candidly, only on KDKA.

One more preseason game and then it all begins – the quest for a 7th Lombardi Trophy. That road already has some potholes as we have seen injuries to both David Johnson and No. 1 pick David DeCastro.

KDKA’s Bob Pompeani spoke with Ben Roethlisberger about a lot of topics, including DeCastro’s injury which in his mind had a lot to do with the condition of the turf in Buffalo.

“Natural grass is so much better to play on – players love playing on the natural grass compared to an artificial surface,” he said. “The NFL nowadays is doing so much to ‘protect players’ and players’ health and concussions and all these injuries – well, that artificial surface is a harder surface. I think guys when they slam their heads seem to get more concussions than on natural grass.”

(Read More:)

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in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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