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 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial

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ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Empty
PostSubject: ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial   ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial EmptyWed Nov 09, 2011 9:49 pm

Posted by Mike Florio

Our friends at ESPN (I used to mean that sarcastically, but if they’ll periodically loan for PFT Live guys like Trent Dilfer and Ross Tucker I mean it genuinely) have a new commercial. It includes a series of images of folks in various locations throughout the world, waving and/or displaying a Terrible Towel.

Fortunately, the segment includes no images of the Terrible Towel being used to clean cleats in Nashville.

The commercial debuted today on ESPN.

ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Juju10

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ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Empty
PostSubject: Re: ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial   ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial EmptyWed Nov 09, 2011 10:22 pm

That is just pure awesome!

ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548

Also, I don't know why I torture myself by ever reading comments from PFT. It's just sad to see the low level of humanity that usually posts comments on there.

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ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Empty
PostSubject: Re: ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial   ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 6:06 am

I'll have to add my picture of waving my Terrible Towel in Hawaii ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548

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ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Empty
PostSubject: Re: ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial   ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 6:46 pm

SteelCityMom wrote:
That is just pure awesome!

ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548 ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548

Also, I don't know why I torture myself by ever reading comments from PFT. It's just sad to see the low level of humanity that usually posts comments on there.

ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 1797695198
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ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Empty
PostSubject: Re: ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial   ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial EmptyFri Nov 11, 2011 9:37 am

The Terrible Towel is a symbol of power and hope. Our flag. It sure is something. Every vacation spot I've ever been to, Steelers fans unite and I believe you aren't shit without it! Everytime I see a towel or a towel waving, I'm very proud of a Nation. Steelers Nation. Very awesome thing to see at Heinz Field time and time again. Never gets old.
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ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Empty
PostSubject: Re: ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial   ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial EmptyFri Nov 11, 2011 3:15 pm

StainlessStill wrote:
The Terrible Towel is a symbol of power and hope. Our flag. It sure is something. Every vacation spot I've ever been to, Steelers fans unite and I believe you aren't shit without it! Everytime I see a towel or a towel waving, I'm very proud of a Nation. Steelers Nation. Very awesome thing to see at Heinz Field time and time again. Never gets old.

my family does a lot of traveling and its amazing how many steeler fans are out there. i cant count the number of times ive been on the highway passing another steelers fan waving my towel ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial 792589548

ESPN's Terrible Towel commercial Vasign10

"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead." - Butch
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