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Buddha Bus
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PostSubject: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptySun Oct 21, 2012 11:42 pm

Mike Wallace losing his contract one drop at a time. I don't care how flashy you are. At least Brown is consistent, and Sanders has an acting career in his future. But, hey, this isn't Fire Wallace, it's discussion time. Thoughts?

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptySun Oct 21, 2012 11:54 pm

bayz101 wrote:
Mike Wallace losing his contract one drop at a time. I don't care how flashy you are. At least Brown is consistent, and Sanders has an acting career in his future. But, hey, this isn't Fire Wallace, it's discussion time. Thoughts?
Wallace dropped 2 passes. Didn't Brown drop 2 passes in the Raiders or Jets game? Post-Game Discussion  2087824411 It happens. He was definitely a goat tonight, but let's not start a Trade Wallace thread.

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:05 am

Agreed Wally......I still have high hopes for Wallace.

Dwyer was pretty awesome. Didn't Ben say he reminds him of the bus? Woodley did his job, as far as I'm concerned. Colon was good, as was dependable Miller. The O-line was pretty spot on tonight.

I have to say that I really get a kick out of watching Brown. He sort of (just a bit) reminds me of Ward (minus the blocking).

Post-Game Discussion  Ginger10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:15 am

Wallace108 wrote:
bayz101 wrote:
Mike Wallace losing his contract one drop at a time. I don't care how flashy you are. At least Brown is consistent, and Sanders has an acting career in his future. But, hey, this isn't Fire Wallace, it's discussion time. Thoughts?
Wallace dropped 2 passes. Didn't Brown drop 2 passes in the Raiders or Jets game? Post-Game Discussion  2087824411 It happens. He was definitely a goat tonight, but let's not start a Trade Wallace thread.
Only two? My count must be off by three.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:19 am

bayz101 wrote:
Wallace108 wrote:
bayz101 wrote:
Mike Wallace losing his contract one drop at a time. I don't care how flashy you are. At least Brown is consistent, and Sanders has an acting career in his future. But, hey, this isn't Fire Wallace, it's discussion time. Thoughts?
Wallace dropped 2 passes. Didn't Brown drop 2 passes in the Raiders or Jets game? Post-Game Discussion  2087824411 It happens. He was definitely a goat tonight, but let's not start a Trade Wallace thread.
Only two? My count must be off by three.
Are you counting the one in the end zone that was deflected? I thought it was another drop until they showed the replay. DB got a hand on it and deflected it.

EDIT: I just reread your post. Are you saying he had 5 drops? Post-Game Discussion  1664291743

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:24 am

Yes, i'm saying he dropped it five times, and his most significant catch was a drop given to him by the refs, although you couldn't really overturn it. I'm just saying, he's inconsistent as hell. He better step it up and finish strong or 50 million will be a long shot. Brown may have had a couple of drops, but this was embarrassing. Every time the ball went his way I cringed.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:29 am

I love Mike Wallace, but he just is NOT playing like our #1 guy, and I noticed SEVERAL times tonight where he had little attention on him, and two guys on Brown and a guy watching Rainey. Based on performance, I would put Brown as the #1 wide receiver, and if Wallace wants a big contract, I think he'll need to make up for the two or three bad games he's already had this year.

Hell, even when Brown was making mistakes he was leading the teams statistically, or am I wrong?

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:30 am

bayz101 wrote:
Yes, i'm saying he dropped it five times, and his most significant catch was a drop given to him by the refs, although you couldn't really overturn it. I'm just saying, he's inconsistent as hell. He better step it up and finish strong or 50 million will be a long shot. Brown may have had a couple of drops, but this was embarrassing. Every time the ball went his way I cringed.
Sorry, Bagz. But saying it doesn't make it true. The "drop" in the end zone was deflected. And the catch that the refs "gave him" was a catch. Post-Game Discussion  2087824411

We probably should have traded both Wallace AND Ike. Ike sucks. After having a few bad games, there was no way he could possibly cover one of the best receivers in the AFC in A.J. Green. No way possible. Get rid of Ike. He sucks. Can't cover. All he does is hold. Trade him. Or bench him. Same with Wallace. He sucks too. Trade them both. Especially Ike. He sucks. He's old. He's lost it. Wallace can't catch. He sucks too. Trade them now. Post-Game Discussion  1797695198

I'm just happy that we got the win. I was a little nervous in the first half. But they turned it around and played well in the second half. The defense rebounded nicely. Great job of Ike shutting down a damn good receiver. He got help, but he still had primary coverage and held Green to one catch.

Dwyer was an absolute stud. The O-line actually looked respectable for most of the game. Legursky did a nice job filling in for Pouncey.

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:38 am

Wallace108 wrote:
bayz101 wrote:
Yes, i'm saying he dropped it five times, and his most significant catch was a drop given to him by the refs, although you couldn't really overturn it. I'm just saying, he's inconsistent as hell. He better step it up and finish strong or 50 million will be a long shot. Brown may have had a couple of drops, but this was embarrassing. Every time the ball went his way I cringed.
Sorry, Bagz. But saying it doesn't make it true. The "drop" in the end zone was deflected. And the catch that the refs "gave him" was a catch. Post-Game Discussion  2087824411

We probably should have traded both Wallace AND Ike. Ike sucks. After having a few bad games, there was no way he could possibly cover one of the best receivers in the AFC in A.J. Green. No way possible. Get rid of Ike. He sucks. Can't cover. All he does is hold. Trade him. Or bench him. Same with Wallace. He sucks too. Trade them both. Especially Ike. He sucks. Post-Game Discussion  1797695198

Wallace's speed has always been the special thing about him, and I rarely see it as a game-changing trait. Outside of the deflection and the gift, I STILL think he dropped three passes tonight. I'm not saying we should trade him, although I appreciate the sarcasm, i'm just saying he isn't helping his case for the big money. After dropping off the map in the second half of the season last year, the one thing he really needed to do this year was be consistent all year long. I'm just not seeing that consistency at all in the first half of the season, and it's disappointing.

I hope he comes out against Washington and puts up 150 yards and a couple touchdowns. We REALLY need that from him. We NEED that from our #1 guy.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:39 am

Fuck! You always edit your posts before I can finish my thoughts, and I need to take the dog out. I see Dwyer's name in there, so i'll say "Told you so!" and have you check out my post in the in the Tailgating thread. Post-Game Discussion  1797695198

Be back soon.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:50 am

My final comment:

Mike Wallace officially dropped four passes, and his last drop won us the game. (CwhutIdidThar?Post-Game Discussion  1797695198)

Ben had a great game, aside from the fumble. I won't blame him for the interception. Heath is 6'5 and Ben released the ball he had a path.

Brown had another good game. He's staying Consistent. I didn't hear Mike Adams names, and that's a good thing.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 12:57 am

Nah, I understand everything you're saying. There's no way to sugarcoat it ... Wallace hasn't stepped up this season. Some of that's on him, with the dropped passes and occasional lack of total effort. But some of it is play calling. We know he doesn't have the same skill set as Antonio Brown. Yet that's how they're using him. How many deep throws to Wallace did Ben attempt tonight? Zero. How many has he attempted all season? Not many. They made a conscious effort to shorten up the passing game, which was needed to help protect Ben. One of the consequences is that the new offensive philosophy has all but taken away Wallace's greatest strength. I've said here before that there's no excuse for not taking at least 2 shots deep to Wallace every game. A little bit ago, I just saw this from Kaboly:

Quote :
Surprised the Steelers didn’t try anything down field whatsoever. When you have a guy like Mike Wallace, you probably should at least try one long ball a game.

So part of it is on Wallace, and part of it isn't. But regardless, he's a disappointment right now. He needs to step it up, and they need to take some shots deep with him.

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 1:02 am

I'll respond and read that fully in a few minutes, but did anybody see Wallace after his first drop? Smiling walking off the field, and the minute he ran into Tomlin that smile vanished. If Tomlin is disappointed after the first drop, i'm sure four drops leaves Tomlin feeling a little salty towards Wallace's production. I wouldn't be surprised to see Wallace come out next week and play his ass off, if nothing to keep his contract hopes alive.

One 70-yard bomb a game just isn't worth it, and we're not even getting THAT out of him. I don't want to hear about him opening up passes to Brown with his double-coverage, either, because I've seen him in man coverage several times over the passed two weeks. Bottom line is he NEEDS to step it up. He's not playing like our #1 guy, and he's not consistent. If we need a game-winning catch, and both Brown and Wallace are open, I think Ben hits Brown. That's how I feel at this point.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 1:32 am

Between this thread and the Suisham thread, you'd think that we lost. Post-Game Discussion  1664291743

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 1:46 am

It was a hard fought win, and I feel we actually played like a good team tonight. That's for sure.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 1:47 am

bayz101 wrote:
It was a hard fought win, and I feel we actually played like a good team tonight. That's for sure.
In the second half we did. The first half was rather shaky. I felt thrilled to be tied at halftime.

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 1:48 am

I'm still in exile from Steelers Fever until the team is at least 2 games over .500. I just can't wade through so much knee-jerk, illogical crap.

And I only recall 2 Wallace drops. There was a ball later in the game that Roethlisberger threw behind him, and I find it really hard to call that one a drop. He still had 8 receptions. He had a tough game, and he'll do better in the future. No panic. I'm not concerned about his future contract issues right now...
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 1:51 am

Dodens Grav wrote:
I'm still in exile from Steelers Fever until the team is at least 2 games over .500. I just can't wade through so much knee-jerk, illogical crap.
It's better over here. We have no clue what the hell we're talking about half the time. And we'll get sidetracked and end up talking about something completely unrelated to the Steelers before too long. Post-Game Discussion  1664291743

Dodens Grav wrote:
And I only recall 2 Wallace drops. There was a ball later in the game that Roethlisberger threw behind him, and I find it really hard to call that one a drop. He still had 8 receptions. He had a tough game, and he'll do better in the future. No panic. I'm not concerned about his future contract issues right now...
Yeah, me too. Then there's the "drop" in the end zone that was actually deflected.

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.

Last edited by Wallace108 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 1:53 am

Wallace108 wrote:
bayz101 wrote:
It was a hard fought win, and I feel we actually played like a good team tonight. That's for sure.
In the second half we did. The first half was rather shaky. I felt thrilled to be tied at halftime.

Yeah. Here's a look at the last few weeks:

-Bye Week (14 days)
-Sunday Game
-Four Days of rest
-Thursday Game
-Ten Days of rest

Inconsistent schedule, inconsistent team. The fact that we played consistent in the Second Half (and towards the end of the first half) keeps me optimistic.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 2:03 am

From Dulac:

Quote :
But Mike Wallace continues to be plagued by drops. He had three, including two big ones in the first quarter.

Read more:

Dulac has the number of drops at 3, and I bet one of them is the deflected pass in the end zone.

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 2:11 am

I heard four on one of the post-game programs, and a few times on both SF and SU. A few of them we're tough catches, but catch-able none-the-less. It was just a bad, bad game for him, and it's something he can't afford to keep doing. Wallace needs to turn on the jets and put on a show to finish off the first half of the season, and carry that momentum all the way to the playoffs, because honestly, it's more of the same at this point. That being one half of #1 receiver effort and contribution.

EDIT: And I think he will, starting next Sunday.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 2:16 am

bayz101 wrote:
I heard four on one of the post-game programs, and a few times on both SF and SU. A few of them we're tough catches, but catch-able none-the-less. It was just a bad, bad game for him, and it's something he can't afford to keep doing. Wallace needs to turn on the jets and put on a show to finish off the first half of the season, and carry that momentum all the way to the playoffs, because honestly, it's more of the same at this point. That being one half of #1 receiver effort and contribution.

EDIT: And I think he will, starting next Sunday.

You started off at FIVE drops though. Post-Game Discussion  1824088959

And why are you listening to people at SU and SF over me? Haven't you realized yet that I'm always right? Post-Game Discussion  3798349058

Just for the record, Bouchette also has it at 3 (once again, probably counting the deflection):

Quote :
Nevertheless, an 8-yard pass to Mike Wallace -- who dropped three passes himself -- picked up a first down at the 21. On the next play, Roethlisberger tried to hit Miller over the middle in the back of the end zone, but safety Chris Crocker intercepted.

Read more:

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 2:18 am

Or they could be talking about the one Dodens referenced. Doesn't matter. ONE drop is too many. He needs to step it up.

Post-Game Discussion  Juju10

If you're going to be a smart ass, you'd better be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass.
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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 2:33 am

Wallace108 wrote:
bayz101 wrote:
I heard four on one of the post-game programs, and a few times on both SF and SU. A few of them we're tough catches, but catch-able none-the-less. It was just a bad, bad game for him, and it's something he can't afford to keep doing. Wallace needs to turn on the jets and put on a show to finish off the first half of the season, and carry that momentum all the way to the playoffs, because honestly, it's more of the same at this point. That being one half of #1 receiver effort and contribution.

EDIT: And I think he will, starting next Sunday.

You started off at FIVE drops though. Post-Game Discussion  1824088959

And why are you listening to people at SU and SF over me? Haven't you realized yet that I'm always right? Post-Game Discussion  3798349058

Just for the record, Bouchette also has it at 3 (once again, probably counting the deflection):

Quote :
Nevertheless, an 8-yard pass to Mike Wallace -- who dropped three passes himself -- picked up a first down at the 21. On the next play, Roethlisberger tried to hit Miller over the middle in the back of the end zone, but safety Chris Crocker intercepted.

Read more:

(10:44) (Shotgun) 7-B.Roethlisberger pass incomplete short left to 17-M.Wallace.
(10:37) (Shotgun) 7-B.Roethlisberger pass incomplete short left to 17-M.Wallace.
(2:11) (Shotgun) 7-B.Roethlisberger pass incomplete deep middle to 17-M.Wallace
(3:20) (Shotgun) 7-B.Roethlisberger pass incomplete deep left to 17-M.Wallace (29-L.Hall).
(8:27) (Shotgun) 7-B.Roethlisberger pass incomplete deep right to 17-M.Wallace.
(6:10) 7-B.Roethlisberger pass incomplete short right to 17-M.Wallace.

At least three of those are his fault, although I remember four of them being catch-able (Even if by miracle, he is one of the best in the NFL) and his last catch hitting the ground. Post-Game Discussion  1797695198

I can't find anything on Brown, although I do recall one pass that was throw up and Brown wouldn't have been able to get his feet in if he was 6'11, although it may have been Brown.

"Either you're playing dumb, or it's not an act". -Judge Judy
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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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PostSubject: Re: Post-Game Discussion    Post-Game Discussion  EmptyMon Oct 22, 2012 9:01 am

I also forgot to mention the Baron Batch easy walk-in touchdown drop. WTF?!? Post-Game Discussion  2913999526

Post-Game Discussion  Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
-"I stand corrected... But I absolutely and wholeheartedly fart
in the general direction of almost every other thing you have posted to this point."-
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