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 Most unstable fans...

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Most unstable fans... Empty
PostSubject: Most unstable fans...   Most unstable fans... EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 7:46 pm

Quote :
An Emory University study has confirmed what many people have long purported: Football fans --€” and especially the ones rooting for the New England Patriots*, Pittsburgh Steelers or Oakland Raiders -- are an unstable group.

Marketing professors Michael Lewis and Manish Tripathi devised an algorithm and analyzed data to try to figure out how various fan bases deal with losses, and their study found that fans of the Raiders, Steelers and Patriots* do not cope well. Researchers turned to Twitter to track fan responses to games, using their algorithm to label tweets as positive or negative and then trace the swing of emotions, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Some of the fan bases that responded the most negatively after losses were also the most positive after wins, giving them a high ranking on the study'€™s list of "€œunstable"€ franchises. For example, tweets from Steelers fans were 79.6 percent positive following wins in 2012, but just 33.1 percent of tweets were positive following a loss. That 46.5 percent gap made the Steelers the second most unstable fan base, following the Raiders'€™ 47 percent margin.

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Most unstable fans... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Most unstable fans...   Most unstable fans... EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 2:53 am

This doesn't surprise me at all. The Steelers have a long history of winning and the Patriots** have been really good for more than a decade. Steelers fans and Patriots** fans expect to win, and come unhinged when things aren't going well.

And Raiders fans are unstable simply because they're Raiders fans. There's NOTHING stable about them.

Most unstable fans... Oakland-Raiders-Fans

Most unstable fans... Raider-fans

Most unstable fans... Raiders%20fans_1

Most unstable fans... Raiders-fan-handcuffs-2

Most unstable fans... Th?id=H.4596565428273466&pid=1

Most unstable fans... Juju10

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