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 2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em

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2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Empty
PostSubject: 2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em   2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 7:43 pm

Since the Steelers Pick-em was accepted so well I have decided to do an NFL Playoff Pick-em.  This one will be a little more interesting and I have some thoughts of how I will need to change the picks based on what round.  For the Wild Card round (all picks must be submitted by the start of the first game)

We will again do a point system.  1 point for each correct answer.  Bonus question is worth 2. If two teams tie, you will still get the point as long as you named one of the teams.


1.  Which team's offense will have the most RUSHING yards?
2.  Which team's offense will have the most PASSING yards?
3.  Which team's defense will have the most SACKS?
4.  Which game will have the HIGHEST total score?
5.  Which game will have the LOWEST total score?
BONUS:  What will the combined record for the home teams be?

Twitter:  @SteelersYak

Last edited by Whyant5 on Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em   2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 7:46 pm


1. Which team's offense will have the most RUSHING yards? Packers
2. Which team's offense will have the most PASSING yards? Saints
3. Which team's defense will have the most SACKS? 49ers
4. Which game will have the HIGHEST total score? Saints/Eagles
5. Which game will have the LOWEST total score? Chiefs/Colts
BONUS: What will the combined record for the home teams be? 3-1

Twitter:  @SteelersYak
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Location : Dunedin, FL

2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em   2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 9:56 pm


1. Which team's offense will have the most RUSHING yards? Packers
2. Which team's offense will have the most PASSING yards? Saints
3. Which team's defense will have the most SACKS? 49ers
4. Which game will have the HIGHEST total score? Saints/Eagles
5. Which game will have the LOWEST total score? Chiefs/Colts
BONUS: What will the combined record for the home teams be? 3-1

1. Which team's offense will have the most RUSHING yards? Chiefs
2. Which team's offense will have the most PASSING yards? Saints
3. Which team's defense will have the most SACKS? Chargers
4. Which game will have the HIGHEST total score? Saints/Eagles
5. Which game will have the LOWEST total score? Bengals/Chargers
BONUS: What will the combined record for the home teams be? 2-2

2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Scaled.php?server=695&filename=trucky
60 MIN
53 MEN
STEELERS NATION 2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em 3056903510

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Don't choose good when greatness is available!
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2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em   2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 12:39 pm


2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Fer6910

F@(k Wallace.. Throw it to Miller
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2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em   2013 NFL Playoff Pick-em Empty

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