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 Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun

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Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun Empty
PostSubject: Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun   Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun EmptyTue Mar 01, 2016 7:44 am

I found this an interesting article.
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Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun   Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun EmptyTue Mar 01, 2016 7:50 am

jak341 wrote:
I found this an interesting article.

That's because they're still using rockets. The Large Hadron Slingshot could shoot one plastic water bottle at a time.

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Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun   Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun EmptyTue Mar 01, 2016 6:52 pm

That is interesting.

What you really need to do is learn to control the gravity waves. So what you do is, block the gravity waves or something that are pulling the trash down to the earth, and you take the gravity away from the trash and it just floats out into space, and then you let the Sun's gravity work and just pull the trash into it. Free energy.

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Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun   Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun EmptySat Mar 12, 2016 1:48 pm

Vis wrote:
jak341 wrote:
I found this an interesting article.

That's because they're still using rockets.  The Large Hadron Slingshot could shoot one plastic water bottle at a time.  

Mentos and Diet Coke would allow the bottles to propel themselves.

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Why we can't throw our garbage into the sun
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