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 WEEK 1: Steelers vs. Ravens

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Buddha Bus
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WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Empty
PostSubject: WEEK 1: Steelers vs. Ravens   WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens EmptyMon Sep 05, 2011 4:02 am

We are just under a week away from the season opener against the Ratbirds. I know I'm incredibly excited for the game- get to dust off the old jersey, fire up the iPod playlist, and rehash the pre-game and during game rituals.

I have a few questions:
1. What are you doing this week to get ready for the big game?
2. What are you pre-game plans?
3. What jersey will you be wearing?
4. What food do you plan on having?

1. I will be watching some YouTube videos of last seasons games vs. the Ravens as well as the Super Bowl.
2. I will have at least one (maybe 2) football games to play about 30 min from home, so my pre-game plans depend on what time(s) those are.
3. I will be wearing my Ben jersey, which is the same one I've wore every game since we drafted him.
4. Again, this depends on what time we get back. We may grill out at my buddy's house or if we are short on time we will head straight to the local sports bar where we typically watch the games when we don't get them on TV.

WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens 792589548 WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens 3056903510

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Buddha Bus

Buddha Bus

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WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEEK 1: Steelers vs. Ravens   WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens EmptyMon Sep 05, 2011 9:47 am

1. I don't really have a ritual leading up to the game, but I usually wear my Steelers gear to work (really pisses off the Baltimore natives WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens 3798349058 ). I'll have to clean up and possibly decorate the Mooseknuckle Lodge a little to prepare for our kickoff weekend party.

2. Open up the Lodge and get food ready to go, probably jam out to some tunes till game time (Renegade's a must), drink beer.

3. My premier Polamalu away jersey.

4. Wings, potato chips, potato wedges, tortilla chips and salsa, and pizza most likely. I'm not sure what the hell everybody else there is going to eat. WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens 1664291743

WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Ee7ffacdb22647915dff1a9d3eef0fd8
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WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEEK 1: Steelers vs. Ravens   WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens EmptyMon Sep 05, 2011 5:13 pm

Quote :
1. What are you doing this week to get ready for the big game?
2. What are you pre-game plans?
3. What jersey will you be wearing?
4. What food do you plan on having?

1. Nothing special. Getting the GAME DAY CD out
2. Heading to O'Briens
3. Woodley
4. Depends on what's available at O'Briens

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WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEEK 1: Steelers vs. Ravens   WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens EmptyTue Sep 06, 2011 8:13 am

It depends on the broadcast schedule. If it's on tv I'll be on the couch with a tasty beverage, if not then I'll be in some bar with a tasty beverage. Either way there will be tasty beverages and Steelers football!
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WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEEK 1: Steelers vs. Ravens   WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens EmptyTue Sep 06, 2011 11:04 am

BGSU A Dub wrote:
1. What are you doing this week to get ready for the big game?
2. What are you pre-game plans?
3. What jersey will you be wearing?
4. What food do you plan on having?]

First of all, I just found out yesterday that our local affiliate has decided to show the Steelers-Ravens rather than the Browns-Bengals. WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens 1372836603 Usually it takes until about game 4 before they realize the Browns still suck and then they start putting the Steelers on. So I'll be watching the game from the confines of my Steelers man cave.

1. Same thing I do every week. Posting on here.
2. As I discussed in more detail in another thread, this is an odd game because it falls on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. My pre-game on this Sunday will be spent remembering and reflecting on what happened on that day.
3. No. 43.
4. Haven't put a lot of thought into it yet since I was planning on hitting the bar. But now that the game is televised, I'll have to figure out the menu. More than likely, deep-fried fish, fries, and pierogies.

WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Juju10

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WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Empty
PostSubject: Re: WEEK 1: Steelers vs. Ravens   WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens EmptyTue Sep 06, 2011 11:10 am

BGSU A Dub wrote:

I have a few questions:
1. What are you doing this week to get ready for the big game?
2. What are you pre-game plans?
3. What jersey will you be wearing?
4. What food do you plan on having?

1 nothing really
2 as always pacing, sweating and nail biting
3 both my son and i in our ben Jerseys
4 to be determined

WEEK 1:  Steelers vs. Ravens Vasign10

"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead." - Butch
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