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 Should Brady be drug tested?

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Should Brady be drug tested? Empty
PostSubject: Should Brady be drug tested?   Should Brady be drug tested? EmptyThu Aug 17, 2017 8:11 am

So I read the following article:

And these fine words from Brady himself:
Quote :
“I know how to prepare. I’m never sore. I could practice every day,” the future Hall of Famer said. “I could practice twice a day if they’d let us do that, but that’s not the way it goes anymore. It’s just fun being out here competing.”

If Harrison is constantly getting drug tested because of his physical accolades, shouldn't someone who has been in the league going on 18 years, feeling no soreness, send red flags?

I know, I know, Brady plays a different set of rules. He's not allowed to be hit (at least not hard), and if anyone sniffs a sack it's a 15 yard penalty. All I'm saying is I find it very difficult to believe someone who has played professional football for 17 years to not be sore.

And yes, this is just me Should Brady be drug tested? 1689750825 Should Brady be drug tested? 1689750825 Should Brady be drug tested? 1689750825

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Should Brady be drug tested? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Brady be drug tested?   Should Brady be drug tested? EmptySun Aug 20, 2017 3:03 pm

Some people are like that and some if you look at them wrong they bruise.
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Should Brady be drug tested? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Brady be drug tested?   Should Brady be drug tested? EmptyMon Aug 21, 2017 7:51 am

You'd think so but Brady's the Golden Boy despite the kafube of Brady hating Goodell and the leageu brass.
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Should Brady be drug tested? Empty
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