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 DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding

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DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding Empty
PostSubject: DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding   DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 3:29 pm

Pittsburgh Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams is a lucky guy.

We can't imagine many people get to marry their love of zombies and their love of their life on one special day.

The 33-year-old former Pro Bowler and massive fan of "The Walking Dead" convinced his entire bridal party — and his bride-to-be — to dress like zombies on his wedding day ... full-on makeup, blood, guts and all, caught on tape by the folks at ESPN.

DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding Juju10

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DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding Empty
PostSubject: Re: DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding   DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 8:51 pm

Um..... congratulations DeAngelo?
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DeAngelo Williams had a 'Walking Dead'-themed wedding
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